Pedig jó volt, amire hívtam őt is. A földönkívüliek Einsteinje, by David Moss. Isteni. Meglepő és mulatságos. Mint pölö ez az ének.
Shoe Song Flashback
Verse 1:
My father said "Son, the most important thing is to FUNCTION"
My Mother said, Always show your emotion
My Father said, are you still wearing those pointy red Italian shoes?
My Mother said, I don't care if you break all the rules......
CHORUS: Play the drums/Go to school/Discover noise/ Oh what a fool/ like me
Verse 2:
Dad told me, Now you must be INDEPENDENT
Mom asked what my funny moods meant
He warned, In this life you are always ALONE
She smiled, Just please please please phone home
Chorus: Play the drums/Go to school/ Discover noise / Oh what a fool/ I was
Verse 3:
I said, Dad you've got to listen to John Coltrane
and Mama, you're right, it feels good to be singing in the rain.
Hey, I've found a strange way to mix my drums and voice,
And you might wish I had made a different choice, BUT.....
CHORUS: Play the drums/ Improviser / funny songs // A little bit wiser
Sajnos muszáj beraknom az univerzum hét bolygójának leírását, bármilyen hosszú.
EUDOSSIA for example is a six-metre-high ocean of swaying grasses in every imaginable shade of green, a flood of structures, uniform and yet rhythmically in flux, with astonishing mirages, shots of blue and red, flaring up in colourful rhythmic visions. as the animal life of Eudossia dives in and out of the grass.
BAUCIS is scattered with gigantic amoeba-like. creatures, gliding motionless over a shirnrnering rnetallic landscape, cliffs, rock formations, shingle; absorbing objects from the landscape into their protoplasm. When — at the end of their lives - this protoplasm dissolves, they create rhythmic melodies which tell the tale of their life’s wanderings as all their inner objects fall into a crater covered by a super- membrane.
ZIRMA, the third station, a 20 090 mile-long tube in the middle of a gigantic tsunami wave, no land - only the wave, carried around the world at 1000 kph; a marine world made up of artificial seaweed and plankton, the roaring swell all around. This is where the musician realizes that the aliens don1t need to hear his music at all, but that they are directly involved in the decisions which his brain is making and sink deeper and deeper into ecstacy the more surprising and unpredictable these decisions become.
ANASTASIA, a must for every touring musician :amazing cuisine and fantastic drinks, prepared by squid-like beings with fluorescent heads and hyper-sensitive tentacles with an extraordinary combination of smell and feeling. These creatures communicate, talk and. Philosophise with each other while exchanging their artistic delicacies. How do Wittgentstein's words taste?
DIOMIRA, the strangest planet of them all, where everything seems to be moving and shifting, where sounds come out of the nothingness, incorporeal voices talk, rading in and out, pulsing walls glow in ever-changing shades of colour, every shape dragging a trail of countless reflections behind it, shadows that move too slowly. This is the place where the aliens have found a way to make sound travel at the speed of light, and light travel at the speed of sound.
MELANIA, an artificial globe between a quasar and a black hole, orbiting on invisible superstrings, collecting energy and strange particles to itself, and listening to the barely intelligible babble of stars beyond death. A place where the creatures who guard the universe meet to exchange outlooks, information, stories and bodies.
TRUDE with its huge cities, its multitude of alien races, its constant building and destruction, the rising and falling of voices, loudly and artificially amplified.
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