hát a fene sem így képzelte el ezt a pasit...
most valaki mondja meg, miért pont dzsonnidepp fogja őt játszani...
még bergenbe menet vettem meg a könyvet a frankfurti reptéren, és bergen óta olvasgatom.
hogy miért vettem meg, annak ellennére, hogy nem éppen utikönyméretű (ezer oldal)?
In 1978, gifted student and writer Greg Roberts turned to heroin when his marriage collapsed, feeding his addiction with a string of robberies. Caught and convicted, he was given a nineteen-year sentence. After two years, he escaped from a maximum- security prison, spending the next ten years on the run as Australia's most wanted man. Hiding in Bombay, he established a medical clinic for slum- dwellers, worked in the Bollywood film industry and served time in the notorious Arthur Road prison. He was recruited by one of the most charismatic branches of the Bombay mafia for whom he worked as a forger, counterfeiter, and smuggler, and fought alongside a unit of mujaheddin guerrilla fighters in Afghanistan.
most tartok ott, hogy az afgán maffiavezér beszervezi. irtó izgis...
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