kedd, január 08, 2008

na, utánanéztem,

hogyanis meg mitis csinál ez az akupunktúra
(most ez tűnik, mintha mátét kéne valamiről meggyőznöm, pedig csak kíváncsi voltam, találok-e valami izgalmasat :)
sok sok honlap ir mindenféle okosat, mint pl:
Akupunktúra "Egy német felmérés szerint azok, akiket a terhesség harminchatodik hetétől a finom tűkkel kezeltek, két óra alatt, kevés fájdalom közepette hozzák világra gyermeküket, mivel az apró szúrások serkentik a fájdalom elnyelő hormonok termelését. "- ez a fájdalomelnyelő hormon ez tetszik, ez jó szöveg :)
Preparation for Labour Acupuncture Can Help
* cervical ripening
* prepare the perineum for labour and prevent tearing.
* help to shorten duration of labour
* reduce the rate of caesarean sections
* reduce the requests for pain medications or epidurals
* less need for oxytoxin to speed up labour
* greater satisfaction with birth experience
* boost energy and help with pain relief

de egy igazi összefoglaló cikket is találtam:

"For example, in the largest clinical trial to improve labor outcomes, Roemer et al. used a standardized approach known as the Mannheim model to treat 329 primiparous women every week using four acupuncture points (25 min per session) from the 36th week of pregnancy onward (Roemer, Weigel, Zeiger, & Melchert, 1998). This approach was based on “morphological acupuncture,” which is the idea that acupuncture acts directly on cervical tissues to accelerate softening and maturation. Outcomes were compared to two control groups: (a) 224 women receiving only “emotionally balancing” acupuncture (the placebo group) and (b) 325 primiparous women receiving conventional care. For the true acupuncture group, there was a significant reduction of labor duration, increased Bishop scores (based on position, cervical consistency, effacement, dilation, and station of baby’s head), and funnel formation of the cervix."
"Zeisler et al. demonstrated that acupuncture reduced the duration of the first stage of labor by about 30% and was associated with significantly less oxytocin augmentation compared to no acupuncture (Zeisler et al., 1998). Harper et al. compared acupuncture to no acupuncture in a randomized clinical trial involving 56 women. Acupuncture was associated with a higher rate of spontaneous labor (70% vs. 50%, p = .12) and a lower incidence of cesarean sections (17% vs. 39%, p = .07) (Harper et al., 2006). Dunn et al. used transcutaneous electrical stimulation
of acupuncture points SP6 (lower leg) and LR3 (foot) to examine uterine contraction patterns (Dunn, App, Rogers, & Halford, 1989). Participants were randomized to an active or inactive (placebo) stimulation. Experimental participants had significantly more contractions than controls, but initiation of labor did not occur within 24 hr. The study population was too small to offer definitive results. The authors suggested that the mechanism for this finding is mediation through afferent nerve pathways to the hypothalamus thereby releasing oxytocin and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) with consequent effects on the uterus."
Acupuncture for Birth Preparation and Delivery: How Investigating Mechanisms of
Action Can Generate Research
Peter Curtis, Remy R. Coeytaux and Patrice Hapke
Complementary Health Practice Review 2006; 11; 176

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