kedd, március 11, 2008


úgy tűnik, a srácok átköltöztek börmingembe, marco kivételével, aki múlt héten felugrott hozzánk, és hozott ajándékot (egy irtó ésed badit, egy kordfarmer kisruhát, egy mályvaszinű bézbólsapit, egy nagy szines takarót és egy csörgőt - jochen, andreas és marcoék közös ajándéka).
Hi Eva
Yes, the girls did recover. The question is, what illness did You refer to?
Last week Maria decided to catch the Noro-virus. Than she decided to pass it
on to me. It was not as horrible as it sounds, but I don't think You would
like to have that guest in Your house, do You? At the moment the whole four
of us are fine. Let's hope it lasts for quite a wile.
And Yes, I'm alone. Alone as I could be. The Muller's left, half of the
Uetzen's left. At some days, the last word I say is "have a nice day" to the
family and the next word is "good evening" when I return. I'm alone. I still
have the office to write. But sometimes I just go to the lab to watch the
fishes. Its equally abandoned, so it does not matter where I am.
Writing is a hard job when You are disturbed all the time, but I personally
think its even harder if no one is around. Just because You simply can not
communicate the things You have in mind. But I do make progress. I finished
the results and Ferenc's suggestions for the intro and I'm halfway through
the discussion. I still do some experiments from time to time. Just to keep
my spirits up. Did I already mention that I feel quite lonely here?
To be honest, I keep checking the web-page Peter was referring to in the
mail announcing Hanna's birth. I hope You don't mind. Hanna really is such a
cute baby, You must be lucky! She will have her hips checked? Did she also
have this slight form of hip-dysplasia? Inga and Maria both had it.
I guess Peter went back to work? Did You already get used to being home all
day? For a short period of time the days will be similar. But not for long.
When they realise they have hands to make a mess, the days might still be
similar, but they will not be boring anymore.
And, I already told Jochen that worse than having brown sauce each day is
having brown sauce alone each day.
I start to feel like a stranger in the ITG. The last dinosaur that refuses
to be extinguished. I think I go and make an appointment with Uwe to discuss
if there is a future for me at the ITG.
But why not discuss all this issues at Your place? I don't know if I can
make it this week, because I will have to some injections. Next week might
be better. But anyway, If You feel like company, I might be able to drop by
Tomorrow. Weekends is also always a possibility.
Let me know what You think,

Hi Eva
Nice to hear from you. Good that everythings fine. 5 hours in a row...
I think you can complain.
Maybe you know it already: Ferenc became a father 2 weeks ago. It is a girl,
called Rosa. He said he could sleep 8 hours already last night :)
We moved to Birmingham 4 weeks ago. It was impossible to find a house fast,
so we decided to move into a Student hall, where we will stay until
September (actually we must, because that's how is the contract like).
Everyone of us has a study bedroom with sink and fridge, the kitchen and
bathroom are shared between approx. 20 people. But there are cleaners each
day, so it is fine. Except at the weekend, when they do not clean, it can be
cruddy. It is on the campus so we have just a 10 min walk to work. The last
weeks we were mainly arranging our contracts and the university
registration, which was a pain, but finely we are officially here (took 2,5
weeks though). At the moment we are setting up the lab and the injection
room, because even very basic things are missing, so no experiments so far.
Overall it is OK here, the people are nice and we have a huge office, it is
one of the rooms of the former mouse facility ;)
Next week I will be in Germany, I present the screen at the Olympus
workshop in the FZK organized by Urban (11-12.3). Ferenc doesn't have time,
so I'll do it. I am the only student speaking, the others are just group
leaders from labs using ScanR. is a good opportunity to go back
home for a couple of days.
BTW, Can I please ask you for 2 slides. The Gateway slide and the expected
outcome slide. I mean this animated slide showing the different possible
interaction networks.
Thank you

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