Dear Ms,
Thank you very much for your interest. I will send you a reprint if you provide your postal address.
With best wishes,
Walter Schaffner
P.S. Although we have not found evidence for it in our work, there is evidence for specific cases of preferential enhancer-promoter cooperation, at least in Drosophila.
> Dear Professor Schaffner,
> I am a PhD student in the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, and I have found an interesting paper from your laboratory:
> Gene Expr. 1991 Apr ;1:71-81 1668145
> Every enhancer works with every promoter for all the combinations tested: could new regulatory pathways evolve by enhancer shuffling?
> M Kermekchiev, M Pettersson, P Matthias, W Schaffner.
> Could you please send me a pdf format of this article? I would need it for my thesis.
> Thank you very much in advance,
amúgy ő nagyember, úgyhogy igazából olyan furán izgalmas írni egy (volt) intézetigazgató profnak, hogy "helló, el tudná küldeni a cikkét?". kicsit olyan, mint odamenni a ursulához, és megkérdezni, hogy "figyu, te didzsé vagy?" :)
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